Poking Holes in the Brain-Blood Barrier. Is that such a good idea?

Poking Holes in the Brain-Blood Barrier. Is that such a good idea? by Marc Girardot for Covid Myth Buster

Vaccine Safety Myth – Current Covid vaccines inevitably stimulate immune attacks against the BBB risking neurodegenerative illnesses like Alzheimer Disease

For over a year now, the concern about Covid vaccines adverse effects on our vascular system has been haunting me.

On Team Reality, many of my biologist friends took a very different route of investigation than mine. They all dove into arcane science – well beyond my reach, I admit – trying to explain the extremely wide diversity of pathologies – strokes, myocarditis, thrombosis, neurological disorders, feet blister, tinnitus … – through a rich spectrum of microbiological processes. And, indeed, it is quite mind-stretching to grasp what – and how – the same nanoparticles1 would trigger such distinct pathologies.

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However, most scientists have ignored three very fundamental, numerically significant and factual traits about these vaccines:

  1. The vascular system is the main area of transfection2
    As 70-80% of the LNPs leak away from muscle tissues into the blood stream, the circulatory system becomes not only their main receptacle, but likely the area where the vast majority of transfections occurs. As such pathologies necessarily originate from vascular damage wherever they take place.
  2. Billions of endothelial cells will be destroyed by the immune system
    All the billions of endothelial cells, core constituents of our blood vessels penetrated by the vaccine particles, will end up being attacked and destroyed by the immune system. Both T-cells and NK cells can be trusted, no conjecture. If immunised, naturally or via a prior vaccine injection, the immune attack will be massive and very rapid, within a few hours. Literally “skinning alive” the inner lining of our blood vessels.
  3. Concentrated hits impede proper repair of the endothelial walls
    As I explained in “Vaccine Russian Roulette”, pathologies inevitably occur not when immune attacks are distributed and diffuse (leaving time and space for repair), but more likely when they are concentrated, seriously disrupting the endothelial balance: making repair long and uneven, mimicking a cut in the blood vessel, triggering significant coagulation, exposing normally protected cells to the dangers of blood flow and kick-starting a variety of deleterious processes: inflammation, calcification, arteries caving in … some more immediate, some possibly more long term.

In the next few lines, I will highlight why I believe:

These vaccines have the potential to create a wave of neurodegenerative diseases, adding a new urgency to stop the vaccine dystopia.

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